Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Short Story - Recap

Today is April 8, 2020, I now look back at the process and challenging work which was the short story project. I had to work with my two partners: Luca and Ryan. I selected them because even though I normally worked great with my two other partners. I wanted to see how I would do with new partners and what I could learn from them. The project first began with extensive research. We had to first study all the different genres and select from the ones we researched, which one would be the genre of our movie. After we had selected drama to be the genre of our movie. We began brainstorming ideas as to what they storyline could be about. The process took a few days as we continued to throw out ideas and builded up on each persons thoughts and suggestions. In the end of the brainstorming process we began the storyboard process. The storyboard process was pretty interesting as I would mess up the drawings a few times, but I would in the end get it right and it was probabably my best storyboard yet.

During the Middle portion of the Movie production, we began filiming the scenes. First we selected a specific date in which we would work on and then executed to work on that day. I was picked up by Ryan and we then got Luca from his house. After that we wentto the cementary to fil to first portion of the film, after we then had to go to the park and film the final portion. This in all took us a bit of time as we had to keep reshooting to get it right. Then after we finished the filming, I went home and the editing process began. This whole movie was a great experience for me and I had a great time working on it. The group worked great together and I did not regret the last minute switch in groups. We ran into some troubles throughout the project but nothing that we couldn't handle. I look forward to seeing how we are graded for our assignment, and hope that the people who watch the movie enjoy it as much as I did.

The only sad part about this whole situation, is that with Covid-19 (known as Corona Virus). Everything is coming to a big halt. With all the hardwork I did this year, to be put in these tough times, it only gives stress in completing this project and being able to communicate with my team. We however will continue to try to the best of our ability to accomplish the goal which is producing a great movie. I am positive that the hard work we have done throughout will show in our complete work. Everyday we contiunue to hear new information on what is occuring around the world, and one big thing which we have all been ancious to hear, is what will be cambridge's decision on everything that is occuring. I hope that they decide to allow us to sumbit and they will grade our assignments. If not I will of course understand. It will just ulitmately be sad news. However, for now I will only worry about what I can do. I will shortly begin filming my CCR and I hope it comes out really good.

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